Thursday, August 17, 2006

Update post

Since some of you only read the blog and never actually talk to me, call me, or e-mail me, I was reminded that perhaps I will just update you on life. WARNING: This is going to be a boring post if you see me everyday, or even once a week.

OK, well, still don't have a job- looking hard, but nothing substantive has really surfaced. It's a pretty frustrating process for oh so many reasons, one of which is that there is a loan check due for the Masters degree that I earned, which I can't afford to pay, because no one will hire me, despite having multiple degrees. Do you see irony here.

Adam and I traveled for the past three weeks- We went to TN- him traveling for work, and me just watching, and then I went to Arkansas, where my sister and all her children were there. It was so amazing to be with all of them. I long for the time when my whole family can be together at one time. You would think that someone would have to get married for coordination like that. By George, just maybe it will happen. Then last week we were in Atlanta. Lots of fun things happened of which here is my top ten: (number one is reserved for a blog that has to be accompanied by video, but stay tuned)

10. Not thinking about or talking about where I'm going to work
9. Not thinking about or talking about Wedding things
8. They have the most comfortable beds at Marriott. I finally slept through the night
7. Getting to meet all the people who work in Adam's company
6. Great Veal, on Adam's company
5. Meeting a man named Charlie- who wore a bowtie, and prayed for me and Adam right after talking with us
4. Good wine, again, on the company
3. Going to the Georgia Aquarium. Truly amazing. Again, pictures to follow
2. Seeing Katie, and knowing that she is safely home from Israel, and Katie and Adam meeting


Anonymous said...

Hey Kara. Thanks for the update. Are you going to be in Birmingham on Labor Day weekend? We will be in town and so I wondered if we will see you guys.

Ryan Hernandez (Mark and Lori's daughter)

Stephanie Willis, LCPC, CADC said...

it's a pleasure to know you're alive and well in the blog world.


Brian T. Murphy said...

you eat veal?

Liz said...

that wasn't boring at all, but then again i haven't seen you since the red mountain concert at workplay.

i love hotel beds, unless they're covered in down, and then my face explodes.