Sunday, July 30, 2006

because I'm cute

I woke up this morning next to the cutest guy ever.

I'm at home in Little Rock. I came to visit my parents, and my sister and her children are here- Noah (10), William (6) and Cecilia (1/2). Last night William slept with me, and Noah slept with Adam. The night before, Noah had slept with me, and Will had slept with Adam. Adam came the room this morning as William and I were waking up, and he said- you guys switched places last night. I said, "Yeah, they're all just fighting to sleep with me. Isn't that right Will?" Will replied, looking up from the pillow and counting the reasons on his fingers, "Yeah, because she's pretty, and she's cute, and love you."

Sound like good reasons to want to sleep with someone.

Countdown until I will wake up next to Adam: 84 days.


Stephanie Willis, LCPC, CADC said...

Ahhhhh the little nephews!!

David Duer said...

Adam ~ Get used to it.

Kara ~ Glad to hear you are enjoying your time with the fam.

Anonymous said...

Really like this blog....oh, how kids can say the darndest (and sometimes most brutally honest) things. Sometimes, I wish we could carry this through into adulthood......

Clint Wells said...

you do it and its cute.

michale jackson does it and he's a child molester.

what a double standard!