Thursday, July 20, 2006

I knew it was coming

It's an interesting time in my life. I am getting married at the end of October, and that is good. But as all know, it doesn't solve everything.

This is my last week working with Impact, working with the program SpeakFirst.

This isn't like leaving most jobs, where I will miss the co-workers. My heart breaks knowing that I am not the one that will see them everyday at practice. Not the one that will hear about who they have a crush on, or the fight they saw at school. I will not be with them as they prepare to take the ACT and stress about which colleges to apply to. (however, there is a little relief that I will be able to spend a little time with Adam before 8 weeknights). So I'm sad.

It's also hard because I haven't found a job yet. I have looked, and "other things" have come up, but the truth is, I just haven't found anything that I'm just really excited about, that has worked out. It's times like these that just make you reconsider all those things like, "what do I think I deserve" or "am I really just being prideful in not considering other things" I praise God that he really does meet all my needs. It's just hard in the not-knowing times.

It's interesting because all my siblings are having work woes right now. My dad jokes that "he's done his work as a father" because all his kids have made it to retirement. And yet somehow he and my mom are still working. He thinks jokes like that are funny. It's just interesting that we are all, regardless of our paths in life- and we all three have taken very different paths in life- and our varying educations, scrambling for a job that we will enjoy and look forward to going to every day.

God, by your grace and mercy, I pray for the two new SpeakFirst coordinators. May they love, teach, and nurture the students. Grant them patience. May you bless Rebecca, Grant, Kevin, Heather, Adam and I with hard work that we fulfills us, and brings you blessing and glory. Give us all kingdom vision as we search out our new place in life.

1 comment:

Brian T. Murphy said...

"But as all know, it doesn't solve everything."

actually, I don't think that's true. a lot of people seem to have pretty unreaslistic ideas about marriage.