Monday, December 05, 2005


I have been in a funk lately. There are a lot of reasons for it, and I won't get into all that, but just know that if there is a state of existence that is funk- I am in it. Going home for Thanksgiving, I was vacillating between being happy about the vacation and not wanting to make the trip. I actually had the thought, "What do I have to be thankful for?" (refer back to the earlier funk-like mood). So here I am to declare publicly a few things that I'm thankful for.

Thank you Mom and Dad for encouraging me, but letting me be scared, even when I'm not supposed to be. Sorry I'm not always honest with you about it. Thanks for the flowers. They really are very pretty. They are on the stand by my door, so I see them every time I walk in or walk out (or anytime I'm anywhere in my apartment, since I can literally see my door from anywhere in my apartment).

Thanks Susan for sending me a LSAT book. I'm not sure if I like the book or the note inside the book more. We'll see how it all ends up.

Thanks Ken for the prayer that you prayed Sunday. You articulated so many of the things that my heart has been longing for, but I am too stubborn or too tongue-tied to express. I truly do pray that God uses this season to give us a fresh vision and renewed taste of his spirit, and that he teaches us to tell time. It was perfect.

Thanks Jimmie Anne for hugs and kind words every time I see you. Even when I seemingly shrug them off, they are always salve for my soul.

Thanks Band for not giving up on me even 100 miles away.

Thanks Steph for listening to the things that I don't want to tell you.


David Duer said...

Hey girl~
We will never give up on you. NEVER! I am not sure what type of funk you are in but Psalm 42 is my default psalm to read when I feel the funk coming on.
Whatever the future holds I will always treasure you as a friend and sister.

Brian T. Murphy said...

Kara - when I am in a funk I usually eat dirt. Then I close my eyes. Don't know why I close my eyes when I eat dirt.

Thanks for the comment. No one comments on my blog anymore. I probably will have to return to LJ soon. I'm trying to hold out but it's too hard. I need the affirmation too much.

How do you like HEM?